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Kirkintilloch Horticultural Society

Tender Shoots

Added at 17:09 on 06 May 2024

We are Affiliated with Tender Shoots.  

Tender Shoots is an online club with gardening talks & events during the autumn winter months via Zoom. Individuals and clubs are very welcome to join in, it’s open to anyone, there’s no charge to attend most of the talks, zoom link below. TS is national collective of UK garden clubs set up during covid so clubs could work together, have joint online events, share tips & advice, share discounts, plus much more.  See their web site here

Affiliation covers all the eligible members of KHS.  To affiliate there is a small membership contribution (to help with the cost of running TS) and we have to contribute a zoom talk towards our programme of zoom events (arranged either by us or by TS). 

Meetings are generally on the fourth Tuesday of every month and in most cases can be viewed later on YouTube.

Zooms open at 7.15pm for 7.30pm start for all meetings unless stated otherwise. Click on the talk title when highlighted to download a plant list (if available). Recordings and other plants lists are restricted to just individual members & affiliated clubs via our private password restricted Members Area.

Zoom details are the same for most meetings:
Meeting ID: 404 301 4750
Passcode general : bonsai (this is used for most meetings)
Passcode secret : XXXXXX (this is used for members only restricted zoom talks)

Each affiliated club has their own breakout room on Zoom, which means we can chat amongst our own members before and after the talks. 

Here is the list of affiliated clubs and societies and the password for accessing the private area is smoothie


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