Lenzie Community Gardens - next garden days

Added by KHS at 15:59 on 23 February 2024

Click the header to see the details

Lenzie Community Gardens

Added by KHS at 22:18 on 12 February 2024

Lenzie Development Council is re-starting work on the community gardens in Lenzie - click the image for more information. Saturday 17 February at Coronation Garden and Wednesday 21 February at Myrtle Avenue Garden.

Cumbernauld Garden Club

Added by KHS at 21:57 on 12 February 2024

Cumbernauld Garden Club has announced their February - March 2024 meeting programme. It's a busy programme so please do take a moment to contact them or click the link below to find out more. Their meetings are held at Greenfaulds Community Rooms in Lochinvar Road starting 19:30 and usually endi...

Last Myrtle gardening session of the year

Added by KHS at 20:19 on 26 November 2023

Cumbernauld Gardening Club - invitation

Added by KHS at 10:07 on 26 October 2023

Dawn Hall at Cumbernauld Gardening Club has extended a warm welcome to members of KHS to a special evening. Calum Cluny from the BBC's Beechgrove Garden will be talking about his horticultural journey so far. Tea and coffee will be served. Details: Greenfaulds Community Hall, Lochinvar Road, G67...

Myrtle Avenue Community Garden

Added by KHS at 13:32 on 19 September 2023

LENZIE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST MYRTLE AVENUE GARDEN. Why don’t you come and meet us in the garden? Our next gardening session will be: Wednesday 27th September 11am -1pm. We have tools and hand sanitizer, please bring your own gardening gloves. Gardener’s recipe: one-part soil, two...

Autumn meetings

Added by KHS at 13:31 on 08 September 2023

Please hop over to the Membership tab and look at Meetings 2023. Our schedule of planned meetings with speakers is there for the rest of 2023.

Annual Flower Show 2023

Added by KHS at 11:01 on 04 August 2023

The Annual Flower Show will happen in 2023! As last year, it will be in the small hall at St Mary's Church, Kirkintilloch. On Saturday 2nd September. Details, rules and classes are available HERE https://www.kirkintillochhorti.org.uk/2023-flower-show .

LCDT - plant donations - 19 August 2023

Added by KHS at 16:45 on 03 August 2023

Lenzie Community Development Trust are holding an event in Myrtle Avenue garden on Saturday 19 August 2023 and have asked if we can support them by donating plants or cuttings to their plant swap. If you have some plants/cuttings you would like to donate please contact Chris Roan – camroan@yah...

Myrtle Community Garden

Added by KHS at 18:59 on 29 July 2023

Scone Palace - Scottish Gardeners' Forum

Added by KHS at 09:08 on 02 June 2023

The Scottish Gardeners’ Forum exists to provide support for Scottish garden clubs, to publicise activities of successful clubs, to organise events for the benefit of clubs in Scotland, and to encourage all keen gardeners to join their local club. They represent around 100 garden clubs and soci...

Summer Outing 5 August

Added by KHS at 08:55 on 16 May 2023

A summer outing to Dumfries House, Cumnock, has been proposed for Saturday 5 August 2023, leaving from Lenzie Rail Station at 9.30am and returning from Dumfries House at 4pm to arrive back to Lenzie for approximately 5.30pm. From initial enquiries the smallest coach we can arrange is a 49 seater and...

Scone Palace Garden Fair

Added by KHS at 08:53 on 16 May 2023

Scone Palace Garden Fair will take place again this year on 2nd and 3rd June 2023 from 10am – 4.30pm each day and Scottish Gardeners’ Forum are re-instating the Pallet and Planter Challenge at the fair as they used to do at Gardening Scotland. For more information, visit their website at...

Myrtle Community Garden 23 May

Added by KHS at 08:52 on 16 May 2023

Lenzie Community Development Trust have organised another gardening event in Myrtle Avenue Garden for Wednesday 23 May 2023 from 11am to 1pm so for any Lenzie residents able and willing they will be delighted to have any assistance you can offer.

Annual General Meeting

Added by KHS at 11:27 on 10 May 2023

Remember, remember, it's the AGM on 18 May. Usual place, usual timeand will be followed by the usual cheese and wine social time. Please consider joining the committee and even better, taking on one of the office bearer roles, such as Secretary, Speaker Secretary or Social Secretary. The Society...