Myrtle Community Garden

Added by KHS at 07:46 on 14 March 2023

Lenzie Community Development Trust have 2 garden dates lined up for Myrtle Avenue garden and would welcome along anyone willing to volunteer with them, even for a short period on either or both dates. Wednesday 15 March 2023 between 5pm and 7pm Wednesday 29 March 2023 between 5pm and 7pm

Next meeting 23 March

Added by KHS at 16:34 on 02 March 2023

The next meeting is set for Thursday 23 March Our next meeting will be Thursday 23 March 2023 at the usual time and will be the early Members’ Spring Show. As we did last year, the entries will be judged by members. A reminder of the classes: 1 Flowering plant 1 Container Hyacinths 1 Cont...

Spring/Summer outing proposal

Added by KHS at 12:55 on 22 January 2023

Here is the information sent on by our November speaker, Lauren Lochrie about the foraging walks she offers. You will see she can take up to 8 in a group and her costs are detailed below, if you would be interested in doing this one Saturday in April/May as an alternative Spring outing please let An...

Annual Dinner

Added by KHS at 12:51 on 22 January 2023

Reminder from Andrea - Our next get together is the Annual Dinner in the Broadcroft Hotel on Thursday 23 February 2023, 7pm for 7.30pm and the menu was included in my last update. If you haven’t signed up for the dinner and would like to attend there is still time, please let Andrea know your...


Added by KHS at 14:37 on 11 December 2022

News from Andrea - lots to read here! The next meeting of KHS is our Christmas Social evening next Thursday 15 December 2022 at 7.30pm. There will be a Sick Plant corner where members can take any problem plants to have advice from one of our resident experts, also for those wishing to take part ...

Myrtle Avenue Community Garden

Added by KHS at 13:54 on 17 November 2022

Click image for info about date and time

Committee meeting 2/11 - update

Added by KHS at 19:29 on 04 November 2022

The committee of KHS met on Monday evening and I have the following to report/update you. We have a speaker for our next meeting in Enterprise House on Thursday 17 November 2022 at 7.30pm and she will present on Scottish and Siberian plants, herbal uses and benefits and some information on permacult...

Scottish Gardeners' Forum

Added by KHS at 11:35 on 01 November 2022

A wee note to let you know that the Autumn newsletter has been published. It includes a report on our Flower Show. If you are a member, you will be able to log in and view it online here

Myrtle Community Garden

Added by KHS at 20:04 on 27 October 2022

Click image for more information

Meetings update - Andrea writes

Added by KHS at 15:19 on 17 October 2022

Good afternoon everyone The reduced Annual Flower Show was a pretty good success for the first since the pandemic, much scaled down from our normal Show but a decent re-start and thank you to everyone who supported on the day. For clarification, there will be no meeting of the Society this coming Th...

Myrtle Community Garden

Added by KHS at 13:13 on 20 September 2022

Click the image for information

East Dunbartonshire Gardening

Added by KHS at 11:58 on 07 September 2022

You might be interested in this group on Facebook East Dunbartonshire Gardening Lots of great photos and interaction with other local gardeners

Annual Show 2022 class winners

Added by KHS at 14:31 on 04 September 2022

Click this link to see images of the winning entry in each class. Well done everyone!

Summer outing 2022

Added by KHS at 17:08 on 03 September 2022

Just a wee note to say there are group photos on the summer outing page - click here to see them ... click the photo to enlarge it.

Myrtle Avenue community garden

Added by KHS at 11:17 on 02 September 2022

Click the image for more info