Committee meeting - 10 Oct 2024
Added at 11:23 on 10 March 2025
Attendees : A. Lothian, R. Hatcher, I.Hatcher, B. Sherlock, M. Gibb, W. Bryson, A. Bryson, A.Carswell, P. Malcolm
Minutes of last meeting approved by Adam Bryson and seconded by Robert Hatcher.
President’s Report : Paul explained that he is expecting his knee operation sometime during the winter. Andrew will step in for Paul while Paul is recovering from his operation.
Treasurer’s Report : Robert reported that there was a small profit from the Annual Flower Show.
Press Officer’s Report : Margaret had put in a report to the Kirkintilloch Herald regarding the Flower Show and an intimation about next week’s meeting.
Social Secretary’s Report : Wendy suggested the Broadcroft or the Golden Pheasant for the annual dinner. Since the meeting the Broadcroft has been chosen and the date being the 27th of February. Wendy suggested visiting Pitlochy House Garden , Fife, for our annual summer outing next year and Geilston Garden, Cardross, for our spring outing. Wendy will pursue this further.
Speaker’s Secretary’s Report : Adam reported that Jim Germain, formerly head gardener at Branklyn Garden, Perth, will speak to us at the March meeting and his subject will be about Branklyn Garden. Adam also stated that he is in the process of arranging speakers for Session 2025 - 26.
Webmaster’s Report : Isabel reported that the website has been very busy with 270 visitors looking at 900 pages and many of these visits were in the lead up to the annual show and afterwards. Isabel also mentioned changes at Tender Shoots. The question was asked if Tender Shoots has served its purpose. It was proposed that Paul will ask the membership next week if anyone has watched a Tender Shoots Video. ( the answer was no )
Annual Flower Show : Everyone was satisfied with the show. However in response to various comments several suggestions were made. It was decided that committee members think about the suggestions and the next meeting will be a one item agenda to discuss the format and schedule of next year’s show.
It was agreed that the next meeting will be held on Thursday 23rd January 2025