Committee meeting 29 Feb 2024
Added at 20:06 on 18 March 2024
Present: A. Lothian, R. Hatcher, I. Hatcher, W. Bryson, A Bryson, M. Gibb, P. Malcolm
Apologies: A. McDowall
President's Report : Paul thanked Andrea for organising our annual dinner at the Broadcroft Hotel the previous Thursday.
Treasurer's Report : Robert stated that he has paid EDC for the use of Enterprise House from September to December 2023.
Press Officer's Report : Margaret stated that she continues to be happy with the Kirkintilloch Herald's reporting of the Society's activitie
Social secretary's Report : In Andrea's absence Andrew suggested the Scottish Orchid Society's show at the Kibble Palace, Glasgow Botanic Garden on 11th and 12th May 2024, as a possible destination for our spring outing.
Speaker's Secretary's Report : Adam confirmed that Mr Robinson will speak to us about Hydroponics at our March Meeting.
Webmaster's Report : Isabel stated that there had been 140 visits to the website since the last committee meeting. The constitution is now on the website. It was agreed to provide a website summary of committee meetings
Annual Flower Show : Discussion took place about confirming judges, having a tea room, running a tombola and finalising the schedule. Details will be shared with members via email and at the March meeting.
AOB 1 : Cumbernauld Gardening Club : We have recently begun promoting them and it was suggested we might promote other local, relevant organisations
2 : Regent Centre/ Garden Centre Stall : Andrew again suggested that we have such a stall. It was agreed to defer this to the next meeting.