Kirkintilloch Herald report
Added at 12:20 on 28 August 2024
This was printed in this week's Kirkintilloch Herald, reproduced here for your information. Written by our Press Secretary, Margaret Gibb:
Although we had a cloudy, damp day for our recent summer outing to Culzean Castle on the Ayrshire coast, we all enjoyed our visit there. Most members spent time in the gardens, shops and tearoom, while some also visited the castle and ventured further afield into the surrounding woods and parkland.
We’re now looking forward to holding our annual flower show in St Mary’s Church Hall, Cowgate, Kirkintilloch, on September 7, which for the first time, will be held in association with Glasgow and District Fuchsia Society. This year there will be a tearoom and tombola. Doors open at 2pm with admission by donation, though there will be a small charge for those using the tearoom.
As in recent years there will be no membership fees or charges for entries, and certificates will be awarded for the best exhibit in each class. Show schedules for exhibitors which include the rules and classes for each entry can be found by visiting our website- https://www.kirkintillochhorti.org.uk/flower-show-2024
Schedules will also be available from the William Patrick library, Caulders and other local businesses.
Anyone looking for more information about the Society can call Paul Malcolm on 0141 578 1520 or visit our website: www.kirkintillochhorti.org.uk