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Kirkintilloch Horticultural Society

Next meeting 23 March

Next meeting 23 March

Added at 16:34 on 02 March 2023

The next meeting is set for Thursday 23 March

Our next meeting will be Thursday 23 March 2023 at the usual time and will be the early Members’ Spring Show.  As we did last year, the entries will be judged by members.  A reminder of the classes:


  1. 1 Flowering plant
  2. 1 Container Hyacinths
  3. 1 Container Crocuses
  4. 1 Container Narcissi/Daffodils
  5. 1 Container Tulips
  6. 1 Container Cacti or Succulents
  7. 1 Container Living Plants – arrangement for effect
  8. 1 Container Primula/Polyanthus
  9. 1 Container Spring Cut Flowers


Our speaker for the evening has unfortunately had to postpone and will address the April meeting instead. Andrew has kindly provided a quiz in lieu of the speaker before leaving for his holiday.  The April meeting – 20thApril 2023 will be the Members late Spring Show, same classes, and judging will take place following the speaker’s presentation.


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