Spring/Summer outing proposal
Added at 12:55 on 22 January 2023
Here is the information sent on by our November speaker, Lauren Lochrie about the foraging walks she offers. You will see she can take up to 8 in a group and her costs are detailed below, if you would be interested in doing this one Saturday in April/May as an alternative Spring outing please let Andrea know asap so that she can make a booking with Lauren. Also, anyone interested in the 4 across seasons course of 4 x 3 hour walks, please again, let Andrea know.
Alternatively, you can leave comments below.
Lauren’s info:
I'd love to host you here for a spring themed foraging walk. Activities that we could incorporate that time of year could include some of the following:
1. A tree leaf salad (lime, hawthorn & beech)
2. Wild greens pesto (dandelion, sorrel, nettle with wild violet or primula garnish)
3. Conifer needle tea (firs, spruce & pine spp.)
4. If still flowing, possibly tapping birch sap using a less invasive branch method
5. Herbal remedies such as nettle vinegar (mineral rich & antihistamine) or cleavers honey (aka a succus, great for cleansing the lymphatic system) or even a gardener’s hand cream or muscle rub using plantain and birch leaf infused oils.
What to expect in general:
- Slowing down and tuning into seasonal abundance
- Key identification of local plants and mushrooms of the season
- Harvesting wild plant and/ or mushrooms
- Making some wild preparations (any of the above)
- Follow up information & recipes
I'd recommend coming along for a three hour walk here at the estate's pinetum. Weekends are good for me.
My fee is £150 and includes delivery, prep time and materials (with follow up recipes & resources too). You can bring up to 8 folk, which would be £18.75/ head, £25/ head if you had, say, 6 people attending.
I'd like to offer you a discount on my seasonal course - where the group could join me here one day each season - to follow the continuity of nature’s cycles and abundance, to learn how to work with and make different preparations across the year:
Foraging Across the Seasons Course 2023 (@Cardross Estate) - x4 (3 hour walks) @ £540 (£60 off).